Prophetess Vera Photo

My Story

My story began in reference to what I am doing now in the mountains of San Diego, CA.In the mid 80s we (husband and our son) had moved to California from the northwest part of the country.

It was our intentions to make that our home permanently. Well, God had other plans and since He is the One who orders our steps and knows our purpose He decided it was time to implement His plan contrary to what we had done.We had established a workable strategy that was working for us at that time, my husband had started his own small business, I decided to go back to school, our son was going to school things was going very well and we were happy!

One day while home alone sitting in the middle of my living room floor doing my homework. the silence was interrupted by this voice that called my name, at first I thought I was imaging things then I heard it again. This time I knew who was calling me, and guess what I did; I got up left all my books and tablets and all the other materials I was working with on the floor.(Even in my unregenerate mind I knew that it was God who had called me.) This made me angry, why was I angry because I knew that my life was about to change and I would not have control.

It was so powerful the Presence I felt that it caused me to go outside and leave everything I was doing behind. Because there was something I needed to tell God!Once outside there was a mound of dirt on the side of my building, I stood on that mound with my hands on my hips and looked up to Heaven and asked God (emphatically!) what do You want with me?(When you approach God in that manner and tone just be ready to be blown away because

He is going to let you know who He is!)God showed little ole me what He wanted with me. He opened my Spiritual eyes so I could see A Scroll rolled out from Heaven with point by point what He wanted with me. And the first one on the list was to go back to Toledo. Well, suffice to say I was totally humbled and changed into a new man.Nine years later operating in what my assignment from all those years ago had been I find myself in the prayer closet crying out to God on behalf of my husband who had been ill for a few months at that time.

As I would pray and worship God everyday He would have me come out of the prayer closet and write about different subjects. at the time as this was happening I did not know it was going to be a book.So, a few days (approximately 10 days later). God told me to gather all the notes and He was going to make it a BOOK. This Book was inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT, orchestrated and put in order by Him.

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Learn To Pray With Vera

About Vera

Vera Armstrong A Friend of Jesus. Vera has made a commitment to the LORD JESUS CHRIST to work while it is day.

Vera was chosen by God to walk in His Marvelous Light and speak His Word in love.

Vera describes herself as a person who has just always loved people, and when God called her to do a work for Him she responded with here I am LORD send me. Galatians 2:20 is her Rhema Word that catapulted her to go.

Vera has a P.H.D. not the Degree that the natural world knows but one that was earned in the spirit world. One that was earned through obedience and sacrifice, trial and error, endurance and tenacity, respecting and understanding authority. By going through the fire and not around it. Walking in True Agape Love and exercising the Fruit of the Spirit. Note: P.H.D. stands for (Pray Heaven Down & Power to Handle the devil)!

Vera is one who understands isolation, rejection, humiliation, suffering, endurance, crucifixion, discipline and consecration. Because of her trials and sufferings, she can now say, “beyond a shadow of doubt that it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me, and the life which I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Praise God!

Vera was the wife of one husband James Armstrong Sr. for many many years until his passing November 30, 2012. And the Mother of one son James Armstrong Jr.


1.Encouraged 100s of people to pray and led many prayer walks through her city.
2. Graduated 7 Classes of students from the Abundant Life Understanding God and His Covenants Bible Class.
3. Was the Administrative Secretary with the United Prayer Intercessors for 10 years.
4. Produced a Play Titled Lucifer’s fall Constituted Jesus’ Birth, Death and Resurrection. The play was performed in Albany Georgia, at Victory Tabernacle Church.
5. Wrote the Book Exhortations to Pray which was written 20 years prior to its publication in December 2015. She was awarded a Prayer Warrior's Certificate for her diligence in prayer from the National Prayer Outreach Ministry Prayer Conference. By Dr. N.A. Manning Chief Apostle/Overseer
6. Exhortations to Pray was entered into the (LIVING NOW BOOK AWARDS 2017). She was featured in the Toledo Blade worshipping at the National Day of Prayer May 4, 2001

Vera is a "Psalter" and wrote a song: "LORD Use Me" it is Copyrighted just waiting to be recorded.

Learn to Pray,

Vera Armstrong
